Monday, March 1, 2010

Office Assassin


Sometimes ideas come out of nowhere.  I had this idea while sitting and watching TV.  A commercial came on for some business website and they flashed a bunch of silhouettes of people related to business, people with papers or briefcases, that kind of thing.  So I got this image in my head of one of those silhouettes with a briefcase and a rifle and that is how "Office Assassin" was born.  It is meant to be silly and funny and hopefully people take it that way.  Available as a t-shirt from RedBubble.

Also be sure to check out my new website offered through RedBubble.  It is my own personal site and store.  RedBubble takes care of everything else just like on their main site but more centered around my artwork.  It is still kind of a work in progress.

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