Friday, November 27, 2009

"The Other Side" Santa's Slip

I have been debating lately if I wanted to do another Christmas card or not.  I was brainstorming other cards for other special occasions and I had this idea pop into my head.  It seemed humorous enough so I started drawing and this is what I came up with.

This is the next card in my line of greeting cards on RedBubble called "The Other Side."

I hope you enjoy it.

Artwork drawn in ArtRage, a natural media program from Ambient Design.

Monday, November 23, 2009

"The Other Side" Snowman Snowcone

Since I have joined RedBubble I have been trying to think of ways to get more artwork out there.  I came up with the idea to do some greeting cards.  I didn't want them to be typical cards so that they would stand out a little bit.  I decided to call this line of cards "The Other Side."  They are meant to be humorous and a little abnormal.  Certainly not cards you would send to your grandma or something (unless she had a weird sense of humor).

The first card in this series is the "Snowman Snowcone."  This card features a snowman relaxing and enjoying his favorite treat.

Artwork drawn in ArtRage, a natural media program from Ambient Design.

(Available at RedBubble)
(Santa Robot is now part of "The Other Side" as well)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Santa Robot


Tis the season! Santa Robot is here to bring toys to all the little robot children. Let Santa Robot be the face of your holidays.

Santa Robot continues my series of pictures featuring famous robots.  Don't ask me why; I just like robots.  I wanted something to start the holiday season off right and this is what I came up with.  It was actually my wife's idea to do Santa as a robot.

Santa Robot is available in my Red Bubble store.  He was drawn in ArtRage, a natural media program from Ambient Design.