Friday, November 27, 2009

"The Other Side" Santa's Slip

I have been debating lately if I wanted to do another Christmas card or not.  I was brainstorming other cards for other special occasions and I had this idea pop into my head.  It seemed humorous enough so I started drawing and this is what I came up with.

This is the next card in my line of greeting cards on RedBubble called "The Other Side."

I hope you enjoy it.

Artwork drawn in ArtRage, a natural media program from Ambient Design.


Em said...

I hope this is Evelyn? If so I saw your comment on my blog and thought I would say thanks for leaving it. I told Daryl about it, I think your home blog is invite only so I hope this gets to you any how.

peabody00 said...

This is Evelyn's husband and I will pass on the message.