Monday, November 23, 2009

"The Other Side" Snowman Snowcone

Since I have joined RedBubble I have been trying to think of ways to get more artwork out there.  I came up with the idea to do some greeting cards.  I didn't want them to be typical cards so that they would stand out a little bit.  I decided to call this line of cards "The Other Side."  They are meant to be humorous and a little abnormal.  Certainly not cards you would send to your grandma or something (unless she had a weird sense of humor).

The first card in this series is the "Snowman Snowcone."  This card features a snowman relaxing and enjoying his favorite treat.

Artwork drawn in ArtRage, a natural media program from Ambient Design.

(Available at RedBubble)
(Santa Robot is now part of "The Other Side" as well)